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Integrative Life Coaching

Coaching is about using techniques and modalities to help the client (or coachee) realize their problem, see unseen perspectives, and find hidden opportunities by themselves. The coach will encourage the coachee to develop their skills, overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

“Integrative Life Coaching” combines coaching techniques with other modalities, including applied psychology, cognitive behavior therapy, and energy healing when working with clients. The coach will ask questions and use different strategies such as teaching, counseling, and energy healing. Coaching sessions are designed to meet the coachee’s specific needs and want, thus helping them achieve their goal.

How can the integrative coaching support your personal growth?



Personal Development

Courage & Self-esteem


Time and Stress Management

Emotional Management


or Any Other Areas You Wish to Improve

Common Topics for Integrative Life Coaching

  • Self-Discovery

    • Finding my purpose in life

    • Finding my needs

    • Knowing and understanding my nature

  • Finding Your Happiness
    • What is happiness?
    • How can I measure happiness?
    • How can I be happy alone?
    • How can I manage emotion?
  • Work-Related Issues
    • Finding my dream job
    • Finding my strength
    • Finding my passion
    • Finding the right job or
      the right degree to study
    • Improving my work-life balance
  • Relationship Topics​​​
    • How to choose the right life partner?
    • How to practice reciprocity in a relationship?
    • How to understand the needs and wants
      of you and your partner?
    • How to be happy single? 
    • How to develop with peers? 

  • ​Decision-making process

    • Option A or Option B

    • Stay or Leave

    • Stay or Resign

  • Mind Change Practices

    • Dealing with beliefs that hold you back

    • Getting rid of problems

    • Changing your thought for new possibilities

  • Issues related to behaviors

    • Perfectionism

    • Procrastination

    • People-Pleasing

    • Unhealthy boundaries

  • Emotional Management

    • Dealing with difficult emotions such as stress, anxiety, fear, anger, sadness, etc.​

Integrative Life Coaching is for:

  • Those who believe in interdisciplinary science. There is no one-size-fits-all tool to solve problems. Everyone is unique.

  • Those who love self-improvement and want to have a happier life and sustainable success.

  • Those who want to tap into their potential and use them to drive success.

  • Those wishing to see the world from a new perspective and find a new opportunity that aligns with their sense of meaning.

Integrative Life Coaching might not be for

  • Those who do not believe that people can change.

  • Those who only wait for others to change the world.

  • Those who wait for a miracle to be happy.

What will you get from Integrative Life Coaching?

  1. You will find more effective strategies to deal with your problem. The tested and proven coaching techniques and modalities will help you reduce the time spent on trial and error.

  2. You will get a series of tools and concepts customized for your needs, which can be used to support your lifelong personal development journey.

  3. You will get one-on-one support from the coach, who can guide you toward your desired goal.

Delivery Method

  • Online (through ‘Zoom’ application)

About Art Chulaluck

Spacious Living Room

Before joining the Integrating Life Coaching Plan, I did not know what coaching was. I had seen some coaching scenes in the movie. I felt that coaching was like psychotherapy, where the coach gives advice, suggests improvement plans, encourages positive thinking, asks the universe for something, and so on. I have met many professional and apprentice coaches and joined several coaching sessions. But, in those days, it was not yet clear to me how it worked.
For me, “Integrating Life Coaching” is like there is someone who listens to your problem and understands who you are. I got to express the deep feeling that I never told others or even things I did not want to accept. I had never imagined that there would be someone willing to help me, who saw me as a whole person without judgment and encouragement to move on.
Now, I understand that self-acceptance is the key to happiness and inner peace. It is more important to love myself rather than seek recognition from others. I have started to appreciate what I have and the love from my family and peers. These are things I have always neglected and prevent me from living my life to the fullest. Now I accept my imperfections, and I can love myself as I am.
Before, I thought coaching was nonsense. But I can say that getting a life coach is the best decision I have ever made.

Anonymous Coachee

Pricing: Integrative Life Coaching

รูปแบบ Adhoc (1 ครั้ง)
ครั้งละ 60 นาที
5,000 บาท

เหมาะสำหรับเรื่องที่ต้องการแนวทางหรือคำปรึกษาอย่างเฉพาะเจาะจงเป็นสถานการณ์ มีประเด็นที่ไม่ซับซ้อน

รูปแบบ Course (คอร์สละ 6 ครั้ง)
ครั้งละ 90-120 นาที
35,000 บาท 

เหมาะสำหรับเรื่องที่ต้องการการพัฒนาอย่างต่อเนื่อง เป็นคอร์สที่ออกแบบตามความต้องการโดยเฉพาะ

1 เรื่อง ต่อ 1 คอร์ส

Which plan is right for you?

Ad Hoc Session (one time)

This plan is suitable for those who need guidance on a topic that is not overly complex. This can be goal setting, emotional management in a particular situation, changing perspectives, advice on decision-making, and one-off energy healing sessions.

Six-Session Package

The six-session package is designed for more complex issues that cannot be solved within one session. The coach will make a preliminary discussion with the coachee to identify their needs and problems before devising the program accordingly. The coaching result depends on the coachee’s situation and commitment. Importantly, coaching requires the coachee to invest time and energy. Changes will not possible unless the coachee follows the coach’s advice and apply lessons learned from the session in their daily life. The coach is there to motivate and assist the coachee to the best of her ability throughout the program.

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